The following are recent organizational vision statements from the Board of Directors (past and present) and the Executive Director of the Arts Council of Mendocino County.  Members are invited to submit their visions for the arts of Mendocino County and we will add them here.


I dream of a county that:

  • recognizes & supports art, in all forms, as being essential for a sustainable community.
  • understands the generative power of art –  to spark imagination & foment new ideas – contributing to a vital & dynamic place, where people want to live & visit.
  • prioritizes the arts in planning for – and as an incubator for – the future.

More specifically, here are some goals for ACMC:

Increase membership & thereby operational funds substantially, some of which can be funneled into creating a broader development/fundraising plan including grant writing & creating successful annual events.

Fully define & find sponsorship for ACMC programs, including:

  • contemporary art reading room
  • exhibition programs
  • public art program

– Anne Beck, Director


To be creative is to love life! I dream of a county that celebrates CommUNITY bringing diversity to the people, families and children in this unique and beautiful county of Mendocino. My vision is to have the support of art lovers, art creators, visually, musically and theatrically, so that ACMC can continue to provide opportunities for artists to share their work, and to be successful. I envision more creative Cultural Diversity throughout the county through public events and arts education.

– Jan Stephens, Director


My vision of the ACMC is to attract more artists to our county to participate and help fuel our passion for the arts as well as attract people from all over to experience what we do every day. I also want to help to keep the funding going to support the Get Arts in the Schools Program and its mission to ensure that the arts are integrated in every classroom in Mendocino County on a regular basis.

– Brandon Kight, Director


With solid partnerships in place with the County, VMC, MCLA, BOE and numerous art organizations, ACMC’s main task is to expand on those good works. In particular, high profile public art, and increasing public awareness of our efforts should remain top priorities.

– Hal Wagenet


To continue to enrich the lives of our community through increased partnerships between businesses and the arts, arts and education, and an increased awareness of the benefits that the arts provide everyone.

– Trudy McCreanor


I envision Mendocino County as a county that draws tourists and new residents to its communities for their ability to shine in the arts!  For this county’s ability to be accepting and open to all art forms and begin to show positive press for a county that can draw people for positive outcomes rather than the negative.

– Danielle Hurt


I dream of freeing our minds to do interesting art — where we don’t think of what buyers might like, or what’s easy, but instead think of what is the next concept humans need to see and how to show it.

So many things get in the way of doing this. I hope I can move them aside and do it. I hope my friends can too.

– Bruce Jones


I hope that Mendocino County continues to be a fulfilling and inspiring place to live and work as an artist and that the contributions of artists and arts organization to our quality of life and to economic development and tourism are valued, recognized, supported and sustained.

I hope to increase the number of display/performance opportunities for artists of all kinds and I hope that every business in the county will see the value of partnering with, or presenting artists, in new and creative ways.

I hope that Mendocino County students have the opportunity to experience enriching arts education — and to develop their innate creativity.  (I know that developing creative thinking through the arts leads to invention and innovation and supports other kinds of learning.)

I hope that our public spaces continue to be made more beautiful through the arts, and that other communities are inspired by our activities.

– Alyssum Wier, Executive Director

Artist in the Spotlight

Event Spotlight

Holly Near in Concert

with Tammy Hall and Jan Martinelli

at SPACE Theatre

May 11